We are delighted to have been successful in three planning appeals we have worked on recently.
Working with our clients across North Yorkshire, we have managed to overturn the decision of the Local Planning Authority to make our Client’s plans become a reality.
#1 A new dwelling in Ainderby Steeple was initially turned down by the Council.
We worked with our Client to overturn this decision and allow planning consent to be approved by the Planning Inspectorate who undertook a site visit and carefully considered the additional information we were able to provide.
Our Clients were delighted.
#2 We also worked with our Client to help them to get the refusal of a retrospective application to alter an existing porch on their property overturned. The original application was retrospective so the Inspectorate were able to view the alterations to the porch in question.
The property is close to Bedale and the Inspectorate commented:
The materials are consistent with those used in the host dwelling and the obscure glazing does not look unattractive. The development has a minor impact on the overall appearance of the dwelling and does not look out of place.
And continued with
The porch does not harm to the outlook from the neighbouring property as it is a very small structure and cannot have an overbearing impact.
Based on these comments and many more from the Inspectorate the refusal was overturned.
#3 Our final recent success on appeal, was the construction of a replacement dwelling in Danby Wiske.
The development proposed was a revised application for the demolition of an existing dwelling and construction of a replacement dwelling.
There were underlying concerns about the potential flood risks for the new property. We worked hard with our Clients and external consultants to demonstrate that this replacement property would not be at risk of flooding or add to any flood risk by harmfully displacing water elsewhere.
A further key part of this scheme was the design of the property and how it was viewed in the context of the site and the surrounding street scene. We demonstrated to the Planning Inspectorate, with assistance from a landscape architect what the street scene character was, and how it would not be adversely affected by the new replacement dwelling.
Again, we helped to provide evidence and technical know-how to work with our Client to get this decision overturned.
So, don’t be disappointed if your planning application doesn’t go your way, there could be a way forward with some compromise and additional explanation. We are professional planning consultants and understand what the Planning Inspectorate expects to see to help them make the right decision.
If you have concerns about your current planning application or have already received a decision, not in your favour, then please do contact us on 01609 617618 / 07432 789481 or drop us an email at info@lavingham.com